Convention / Meetings

Secovi-SP is also extremely active in technical and scientific real estate events. It organizes and sponsors lectures, seminars, debates, meetings, etc with the participation of highly qualified specialists who address clearly and knowledgeably topics of relevance to the real estate sector. Major events sponsored by Secovi-SP include:

Events to integrate and upgrade the sector

Secovi-SP regularly promotes events for the real estate sector. Workshops, debates, meetings, lectures and seminars. A valuable program on a range of topics.

Each year, the association stages the Real Estate Week, comprising the following initiatives:


The most important Brazilian forum for discussions on issues relevant to the real estate industry and urban development. An event which also fosters an educational and pragmatic approach for the benefit of industry professionals through the exchange of information, knowledge and networking.


Awarded in conjunction with the Fiabci/Brazil, the "Oscar" of the housing market recognizes nationwide businesses and professionals whose works stand out for innovation and excellence. The winning cases gain notoriety and contribute to the improvement of real estate activities.


It provides property managers, employees, suppliers and condo administrators with relevant information that addresses strictly routine condo issues, with the participation of experts.


The main leaders of the segment of property management are gathered to discuss scenarios and alternatives, gain insight into major trends in the sector and propose strategic actions.

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