Industry Events

Secovi-SP is also extremely active in technical and scientific real estate events. It organizes and sponsors lectures, seminars, debates, meetings, etc with the participation of highly qualified specialists who address clearly and knowledgeably topics of relevance to the real estate sector. Major events sponsored by Secovi-SP include:

São Paulo Real Estate Expo

The largest property trade show in Latin America spans all the real estate market segments. The São Paulo Real Estate Expo is a showcase to promote business, close deals, present the latest novelties and leverage an industry of great importance within the Brazilian social and economic context.

Master Award

The "Oscar" of the Brazilian real estate market is held jointly with the Fiabci/Brazil.

Secovi Condominium Trade Fair

Displays products and services for condominium buildings and building administrators. Both the Secovi Condominium Award ceremony and the traditional Building Managers Meeting are held during the Fair.

Secovi Convention

Intended for fast and precise learning, it also helps to build up contacts with market professionals and new business opportunities.

Secovi Gala Event

Yearly meeting of the real estate market and Secovi University members (EQP certification handover session).

Secovi Real Estate Meeting

This meeting demonstrates Secovi's strong commitment toward debate and open exchange of ideas between government agencies, business leaders and diverse entities on themes of interest within the real estate chain across Brazil.

Secovi Meeting of Building Managers and Administrators

This is a traditional meeting held in all regional sections of Secovi-SP addressing current issues and aimed at producing practical results for the Brazilian real estate industry.

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  • Certificação Digital
  • Mapa Secovi
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  • PQE - Programa Qualificação Essencial
  • Secovi Novos Empreendedores
  • UniSecovi