Products and Services

Cutting-edge and intelligent content for the real estate sector

Secovi-SP continually seeks to offer products and services that keep up with the ever-increasing demand for training and information for real estate professionals.

As well as its headquarter building located in the city of São Paulo housing a modern convention center, the Syndicate is also represented in key strategic hubs across São Paulo State through its regional network of offices. Secovi's portal on the Internet and its international affiliations and partnerships make it a world-class real estate company.

Knowledge production, dissemination and management

Secovi University Boundless knowledge

As a pioneer in the real estate market, the Secovi University offers courses that empower and qualify professionals, providing credentials which are recognized at home and abroad. In partnership with worldwide organizations, its certifications meet global standards. Furthermore, it has also built partnerships with several institutions in the academic world, including the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), with which it spearheaded a postgraduate course in Real Estate Business.

Essential Qualification Program (PQE) Efficiency is for those who own it, satisfaction for those who demand it

The Essential Qualification Program (PQE) is a certification developed by Secovi-SP, which aims to teach customer and competitor relations to a number of real estate companies - committed to ethics and civil responsibility -, through continued staff training. It certifies companies in the areas of leasing, purchase and sale, property management and land development.

Rede Imobiliária Secovi

A Comprehensive database which integrates companies selling new homes or resales property in Brazil and worldwide. This plataforma brings togehter over 400,000 realty brokers from 135 countries. The database has been translated into 20 languages.

Secovi Surveys

Secovi-SP conducts several surveys to assess the performance of the Brazilian real estate Market with regard to property launches, sales and leases.

Geo Secovi An innovative tool for real estate production planning

Among the tasks performed by GeoSecovi are the assessment of geographically referenced data and the detection of trends in the real estate market. This is a tool offered by GeoSecovi to manage information on land use and occupation. Combined with socioeconomic data, it affords important information for investment decisions and planning of real estate products. Intelligent content for real estate development.

Secovi News

The latest news and trends of the real estate Market are published weeklyy in specialist columns in major SãoPaulo State newspapers.

Secovi-SP Condomínios Magazine Day-to-day highlight

All news and information of interest to condominiums can be found in this Secovi-SP publication, which is distributed monthly to registered property managers and members, exclusively.

A unique publication geared to property managers and presidentes of associations with exclusive contente for good property management practices.

Handbooks, Guides and Indices

Secovi-SP produces printed materials addressing specific topics of the real estate industry, i.e., technology, condominiuns, sustainability, etc.


Every year Secovi-SP organizesa wide range of seminars, lectures, workshops, forums and conventions. All the events are focused on the discussion of industry related topics as well as on information Exchange, knowledge dissemination, and the development of business, political, educational and social agendas.

Specialist services for principal members and their representatives

Legal Counsel

Legal advice and support to registered companies and property managers.

Service Desk

Customer service provided to members and building managers related to IRS, Social Security and Digital Certification.

Mediation Chamber Agreement within the industry

Through dialogue, the Secovi Board of Mediation strives to break stalemates and settle real estate conflicts. It is a practical tool, which prevents lawsuits and brings harmony between parties in the segments of condominiums, property management and acquisition, among others.

Milenium Convention Center Secovi-SP materializes what you conceive

A modern convention center with comprehensive service infrastructure and fl exible space for events of different sizes, styles and audiences. It offers personalized service in carrying out client projects. Special leasing discount for Secovi-SP members.

  • Ampliar
  • Câmara de Mediação Secovi-SP
  • Certificação Digital
  • Mapa Secovi
  • Milenium
  • PQE - Programa Qualificação Essencial
  • Secovi Novos Empreendedores
  • UniSecovi