Social Responsability

Projeto Ampliar

The Ampliar Project is dedicated to the education and professional training of at-risk and underprivileged Brazilian teenagers. Secovi-SP has provided logistical supor to the project since its incpetion in 1990. In these years, the Ampliar Project hs trained 35,000+ sutdents in different courses, thus contributing to income generation and their insertion into the job market.

Furthermore, the Ampliar Project promotes yearly campaings to collect toys and warm winter clothes for children and adults.

See more at:

  • Ampliar
  • Câmara de Mediação Secovi-SP
  • Certificação Digital
  • Mapa Secovi
  • Milenium
  • PQE - Programa Qualificação Essencial
  • Secovi Novos Empreendedores
  • UniSecovi